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bolttech featured in (Re)in Asia article examining impact of wearables data on underwriting


Our Group Head of Product Proposition and Head of Product and Pricing for Europe, Daisy Dong was interviewed in the (Re)in Asia article, "Wearables data a valuable complement – but not replacement – to sophisticated underwriting" (8 August 2024).

In the article, Daisy shared her views on how wearable data is supplementing traditional underwriting, and how the industry can navigate data privacy concerns and regulations to build policyholder trust.

“Like any introduction of new risk factors, establishing credible data takes time, which is crucial for accurate frequency predictions from an actuarial perspective,” Daisy said. "The key to overcoming these challenges lies in building a robust framework for collecting and analysing wearable data over time, complemented by credible medical and scientific research.”

Read the full article here:

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